Platform Tennis Guide: Tips, Gear & Techniques

Estimated read time 19 min read

Welcome to our comprehensive platform tennis guide! Whether you’re new to the sport or a seasoned player, this guide is packed with tips, gear recommendations, and techniques to help you improve your platform tennis skills.

Platform tennis, also known as paddle tennis, is a thrilling sport that combines elements of tennis and squash. It is played on a smaller, elevated court with a unique playing surface. In this guide, we will cover everything you need to know to excel in platform tennis, from the essential gear to mastering the rules and scoring.

Are you looking for guidance on choosing the right paddle for your playing style? We’ve got you covered. Curious about the specifics of platform tennis balls? We’ll explain it all. Proper footwear and grip techniques? We’ll dive into those too.

But it’s not just about the gear. We will also explore the strategies and techniques that can give you a competitive edge on the court. From shot selection to positioning, we’ll help you develop a winning game plan. And if you’re a tennis player looking to make the transition to platform tennis, we’ll provide tips on adapting your skills and adjusting your strategy.

Practice and training are essential for improvement, so we’ll share a range of drills to enhance your skills and suggest ways to find the right practice partners and coaches. We’ll also guide you on how to join the platform tennis community and explore opportunities to participate in tournaments and leagues.

Remember, platform tennis is a sport that rewards continuous learning and practice. With the knowledge and techniques gained from this guide, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a skilled platform tennis player. So let’s get started!

The Essential Gear for Platform Tennis

To excel in platform tennis, it’s important to have the right gear. In this section, we will discuss the essential equipment needed for platform tennis, including how to choose the right paddle that suits your playing style, the specifics of platform tennis balls, and why proper footwear is crucial for optimal performance on the court. We will provide insights into the different options available and help you make informed decisions.

Choosing the Right Paddle

The platform tennis paddle is a key tool that directly impacts your gameplay. When choosing a paddle, consider the following factors:

  • Weight: The weight of the paddle affects maneuverability and power. Lighter paddles offer more control, while heavier ones provide more power.
  • Size: Paddle size typically ranges from 18 to 20 inches long. A larger paddle offers a larger sweet spot, providing forgiveness for off-center shots.
  • Grip: The grip size should feel comfortable in your hand, allowing for a secure and relaxed grip during play. Grips come in various sizes, so find one that suits your hand size.
  • Material: Paddles are made of different materials, such as graphite, carbon fiber, or composite. Each material has unique characteristics, affecting the paddle’s performance.

Experiment with different paddles to find the one that suits your playing style and preferences. Consider renting or borrowing paddles before making a purchase to test them out on the court.

Specifics of Platform Tennis Balls

Platform tennis balls are specifically designed for the sport, ensuring optimal performance on the court. Here are some key considerations:

  • Construction: Platform tennis balls are made of rubber and have a flocking material on the surface to provide better grip on the court.
  • Bounce: Platform tennis balls have a lower bounce compared to regular tennis balls. This allows for better control and keeps the ball at a manageable height.
  • Durability: Platform tennis balls are made to withstand the harsh elements of outdoor play, including cold temperatures and wet conditions.

Using platform tennis balls rather than regular tennis balls is essential to maintain the integrity and fairness of the game. Ensure you always have a sufficient supply of platform tennis balls for practice and gameplay.

The Importance of Proper Footwear

Proper footwear is vital in platform tennis to ensure safety, stability, and agility on the court. Features to consider when choosing platform tennis shoes include:

  • Grip: Look for shoes with a rubber sole that provides excellent traction on the court surface.
  • Support: Platform tennis requires quick movements, so opt for shoes with good ankle support to prevent injuries.
  • Water Resistance: Platform tennis is often played in wet or snowy conditions, so choose shoes that are water-resistant to keep your feet dry and comfortable.

Investing in high-quality platform tennis shoes will enhance your performance and protect your feet during intense matches.

Mastering the Rules and Scoring of Platform Tennis

Understanding the rules and scoring system is fundamental to playing platform tennis. In this section, we will break down the rules and scoring of platform tennis, providing you with a comprehensive understanding of the game. Let’s dive in:

1. Serving Rules: Platform tennis follows specific serving rules that players must adhere to. The server must stand behind the baseline and hit the serve underhand, ensuring that the ball is struck into the diagonal serving box.

2. Fault and Let Calls: Platform tennis has specific fault and let calls that determine the validity of a shot. A fault is called when a serve does not land in the correct serving box, or when any subsequent shot fails to clear the net and lands outside the court boundaries. A let is called when certain unforeseen circumstances occur, such as a ball hitting the net and landing within the correct boundaries.

3. Scoring Points: Platform tennis uses a unique scoring system. Matches are typically played using either the best of three sets or the first to seven points. Points are awarded for winning rallies, and the team or player that reaches the required number of games or points first wins the set or match.

It’s important to familiarize yourself with these rules to ensure fair play and an enjoyable experience on the platform tennis court. By mastering these rules, you’ll be able to play the game effectively and avoid penalties.

platform tennis rules

Platform Tennis Techniques: Grip and Shots

The right techniques can elevate your platform tennis game. In this section, we will delve into the different techniques used in platform tennis, starting with perfecting the continental grip, which is crucial for control and versatility in your shots. We’ll also explore how to diversify your shot selection to keep your opponents on their toes. With these techniques, you’ll be able to execute a wide range of shots with precision.

Perfecting the Continental Grip

The continental grip is a fundamental technique in platform tennis that allows for effective ball control and versatility in shots. It involves placing your hand on the paddle in a way that allows for both forehand and backhand strokes. To perfect the continental grip:

  1. Hold the paddle with your dominant hand in a handshake position, with the thumb resting against the paddle face.
  2. Wrap your fingers around the grip, forming a firm but relaxed hold.
  3. Check that the V-shaped space between your thumb and index finger points towards your dominant shoulder. This ensures proper paddle alignment for maximum control.
  4. Practice hitting different shots with the continental grip, focusing on maintaining a consistent grip throughout the stroke.

Diversifying Your Shot Selection

Mastering a variety of shots is essential to keep your opponents guessing and maintain an offensive advantage in platform tennis. Here are some shots you can incorporate into your game:

Shot Type Description
Serve The serve is the starting shot of each point. Experiment with different types of serves, such as a hard drive, a low skid, or a spin serve, to keep your opponents off balance.
Backhand Volley The backhand volley is a quick and efficient shot executed close to the net. Practice using the continental grip to confidently return balls hit towards your backhand side.
Overhead Smash When your opponents hit lobs or weak shots, the overhead smash allows you to aggressively attack the ball from above your head. Use this shot to generate power and put your opponents on the defensive.
Drop Shot A drop shot is a finesse shot that involves softly hitting the ball close to the net, causing it to bounce low and close to the net. Use this shot to catch your opponents off guard and force them to move quickly towards the net.
Drive A drive is a powerful shot that aims to keep your opponents on the defensive. Use the continental grip to generate speed and spin, hitting the ball with a flat trajectory.

By perfecting the continental grip and diversifying your shot selection, you’ll have the skills necessary to dominate the platform tennis court and outmaneuver your opponents.

Adapting Tennis Skills to Platform Tennis

If you’re a tennis player looking to transition to platform tennis, this section is for you. Platform tennis and tennis share many similarities, making it easier for tennis players to adapt their skills to the platform court. By leveraging your existing tennis skills and adjusting your strategies, you can excel in platform tennis and take your game to new heights.

The Transferable Skills from Tennis to Platform Tennis

As a tennis player, you already possess a range of skills that can be transferred to platform tennis. These skills include:

  • Hand-eye coordination: Your ability to track the ball and make precise contact will give you an advantage on the platform court.
  • Agility and footwork: The quick movements required in tennis can help you navigate the smaller platform tennis court with ease.
  • Shot technique: The fundamental strokes in tennis, such as forehands, backhands, and volleys, can be adapted to platform tennis to execute powerful shots.

By recognizing and leveraging these transferable skills, you can quickly become comfortable on the platform court and enhance your performance.

Adjusting Your Strategy for the Platform Court

The strategy in platform tennis differs from that of traditional tennis due to the unique characteristics of the platform court. Here are some key adjustments to consider:

  1. Court positioning: The smaller size of the platform court requires players to be closer together, promoting teamwork and collaboration in doubles play.
  2. Use of screens: Platform tennis incorporates the use of screens, which can be utilized strategically to confuse opponents and create scoring opportunities.
  3. Ball placement: The ability to place shots strategically becomes crucial in platform tennis due to the limited court space, allowing players to exploit weaknesses and control the game.

By understanding the nuances of platform tennis and making these strategic adjustments, you can optimize your gameplay and outsmart your opponents on the platform court.

platform tennis strategy

Adapting your tennis skills to platform tennis and adjusting your strategy will give you a competitive edge on the platform court. Take advantage of your existing abilities and embrace the unique challenges and opportunities that platform tennis offers. With practice and dedication, you’ll quickly develop into a formidable platform tennis player.

Platform Tennis Strategies for Doubles and Singles Play

Strategy is a crucial element in platform tennis, whether you’re playing doubles or singles. In this section, we will discuss effective communication and positioning strategies for doubles play, as well as strategies for dominating the court in singles play. By implementing these strategies, you’ll be able to outmaneuver your opponents and gain a competitive edge.

Effective Doubles Communication and Positioning

In doubles play, clear and efficient communication is essential for seamless coordination with your partner. Effective strategies for communication include:

  • Constant verbal communication to keep each other informed of your intended shots, cover each other’s weaknesses, and maintain a strong partnership on-court.
  • Mastering hand signals to communicate silently during fast-paced rallies and avoid giving away your strategy to opponents.
  • Maintaining good court positioning, with one player covering the net and the other playing deeper in the court to defend against lob shots and provide support during volleys.
  • Working as a unit, moving together as a team to close gaps and exploit weaknesses in your opponents’ positioning.

By utilizing effective communication and positioning strategies in doubles play, you can maximize your synergy with your partner and dominate the court.

Singles Play: Owning the Court Solo

In singles play, you need to strategize on how to control the court individually and outplay your opponent. The following strategies can help you gain an advantage:

  • Exploit your opponent’s weaknesses by analyzing their game style and adapting your shot selection accordingly.
  • Stay aggressive by using offensive shots such as powerful drives and well-placed drop shots to keep your opponent on the back foot.
  • Utilize controlled and accurate lobs to force your opponent away from the net and create opportunities for attacking shots.
  • Vary your shot selection to keep your opponent guessing and prevent them from settling into a rhythm.

By implementing these singles strategies, you can exert your dominance on the court, making it difficult for your opponent to anticipate and counter your moves.

Strategy Benefits
Constant Communication Ensure coordination and avoid confusion
Hand Signals Communicate silently and maintain a strategic advantage
Court Positioning Defend against lob shots and provide support
Working as a Unit Close gaps and exploit opponents’ weaknesses
Exploiting Weaknesses Target your opponent’s vulnerabilities
Staying Aggressive Maintain control and put pressure on your opponent
Controlled Lobs Force your opponent away from the net
Varying Shot Selection Prevent opponent from anticipating your moves

Training and Practice Sessions for Platform Tennis Improvement

Training and practice are essential for improving your platform tennis skills. In this section, we will provide a variety of drills to enhance your game, targeting specific areas such as footwork, shot technique, and strategy. We will also discuss the importance of finding the right practice partners and coaches to maximize your development in platform tennis.

Drills to Enhance Your Platform Tennis Game

Effective drills are key to honing your platform tennis skills. By incorporating these drills into your practice sessions, you can improve your footwork, shot accuracy, and on-court decision-making. Here are some drills to consider:

  1. Footwork Drill: Set up a series of cones or markers on the court and practice moving quickly and efficiently between them. This drill will improve your agility and help you navigate the court more effectively during matches.
  2. Target Practice: Set up targets on different areas of the court and aim to hit them consistently with your shots. This drill will improve your shot accuracy and control.
  3. Live Ball Drill: Engage in practice rallies with a partner or coach, focusing on implementing specific strategies and shot selection. This drill will help you develop your game sense and decision-making abilities in real-time situations.
  4. Conditioning Drill: Incorporate fitness exercises such as sprints, lunges, and endurance drills into your practice routine. This will improve your overall physical fitness and stamina, allowing you to perform at your best throughout matches.

Remember to vary your drills and practice sessions to target different aspects of your game. By consistently incorporating these drills into your training, you’ll see significant improvement in your platform tennis skills.

Finding the Right Practice Partners and Coaches

Having the right practice partners and coaches can greatly enhance your platform tennis development. To find the right practice partners, consider joining local platform tennis clubs and participating in social events and open play sessions. This will allow you to meet players of different skill levels and playing styles, providing opportunities for valuable practice matches.

When searching for a coach, look for someone with experience in platform tennis who can provide tailored guidance and feedback. A coach can help identify areas for improvement, offer expert advice, and design training programs specifically suited to your needs.

Keep in mind that practice partners and coaches should challenge you while providing a supportive learning environment. By surrounding yourself with skilled players and knowledgeable instructors, you’ll accelerate your progress and reach new levels of performance in platform tennis.

platform tennis practice

Joining the Platform Tennis Community

Discovering Local Platform Tennis Clubs and Facilities

Being part of a platform tennis community not only enhances your playing experience but also provides opportunities for growth and connection with fellow enthusiasts. To get started, it’s important to discover the local platform tennis clubs and facilities in your area. These clubs and facilities serve as hubs where players of all levels come together to practice, engage in friendly matches, and foster a sense of camaraderie.

To find local platform tennis clubs and facilities, you can:

  • Reach out to your local sports and recreation centers to inquire about platform tennis offerings
  • Search online platforms and directories that specifically cater to platform tennis
  • Connect with other platform tennis players and ask for recommendations and insights

By discovering local clubs and facilities, you can access well-maintained courts, receive coaching and training opportunities, and connect with players who share your passion for the game.

Participating in Platform Tennis Tournaments and Leagues

One of the best ways to immerse yourself in the platform tennis community is by participating in tournaments and leagues. These events offer a platform for friendly competition, skill development, and the chance to engage with players from different clubs and regions.

Here are some key benefits of participating in platform tennis tournaments and leagues:

  • Improvement of gameplay through exposure to different playing styles and strategies
  • Opportunities to challenge yourself and test your skills against competitive players
  • Networking and building connections within the platform tennis community
  • The thrill of competing in a high-energy and supportive environment

To get involved in platform tennis tournaments and leagues, keep an eye out for local, regional, and national events. Many platform tennis organizations and clubs organize regular tournaments and leagues throughout the year, catering to players of all skill levels. Participating in these events can elevate your game and help you forge long-lasting friendships within the platform tennis community.

Tournament Date Location
Midwest Platform Tennis Championships October 15-17, 2022 Chicago, IL
Atlantic Platform Tennis League December 1, 2022 – March 31, 2023 Various locations along the East Coast
US Platform Tennis Nationals February 10-12, 2023 Indian Wells, CA


As we come to the end of this comprehensive platform tennis guide, we hope you have gained valuable insights and knowledge to enhance your game on the court. Throughout the various sections, we have covered everything from the essential gear needed, mastering the rules and scoring, techniques and strategies, and even joining the vibrant platform tennis community.

By understanding the importance of continuous learning and practice, you can improve your platform tennis skills and elevate your performance. Remember to choose the right gear, including a paddle that suits your playing style, as well as the importance of proper footwear for optimal performance. Furthermore, by mastering the rules and scoring system, you will be able to play effectively and avoid penalties.

Perfecting the continental grip, diversifying your shot selection, and adapting your tennis skills to the platform court will give you a competitive edge. Whether you’re playing doubles or singles, implementing effective strategies and practicing with drills will help you outwit your opponents. Finally, joining the platform tennis community by discovering local clubs and participating in tournaments and leagues will enhance your overall experience and provide opportunities for growth.

With the knowledge and techniques gained from this guide, you are well-equipped to excel in platform tennis. Embrace continuous learning, practice diligently, and enjoy the game to its fullest. Start implementing these strategies and techniques today, and watch your platform tennis skills soar.


Q: What gear do I need for platform tennis?

A: The essential gear for platform tennis includes a paddle, balls, and proper footwear. Choosing the right paddle is important for your playing style, and platform tennis balls are specifically designed for the game. Having proper footwear is crucial for optimal performance on the court.

Q: How do I choose the right paddle for platform tennis?

A: When choosing a paddle for platform tennis, consider factors such as weight, grip size, and shape. It’s important to find a paddle that suits your playing style and provides control and power in your shots.

Q: What are the specifics of platform tennis balls?

A: Platform tennis balls are designed to withstand the colder temperatures and unique playing conditions of platform tennis. They have a felt cover and are smaller in size compared to regular tennis balls.

Q: Why is proper footwear important in platform tennis?

A: Proper footwear is crucial in platform tennis to provide stability, traction, and support on the court. Look for shoes with non-marking soles and a tread pattern that is suitable for outdoor play.

Q: What are the rules and scoring system of platform tennis?

A: The rules of platform tennis include serving rules, fault and let calls, and how to score points. Understanding these rules is fundamental to playing the game effectively and avoiding penalties.

Q: How do I perfect the continental grip in platform tennis?

A: The continental grip is a versatile grip that allows for control and versatility in platform tennis. To perfect this grip, practice holding the paddle with your thumb and index finger in the middle of the grip.

Q: How can I diversify my shot selection in platform tennis?

A: Diversifying your shot selection in platform tennis involves using different types of shots, such as drives, lobs, and volleys. This keeps your opponents guessing and allows you to adapt to different situations on the court.

Q: What are the transferable skills from tennis to platform tennis?

A: Tennis skills such as footwork, racquet control, and shot technique can be transferred to platform tennis. Understanding the similarities and differences between the two sports can help tennis players adapt their strategies to excel on the platform court.

Q: What are effective strategies for doubles play in platform tennis?

A: Effective strategies for doubles play in platform tennis include communication with your partner and positioning yourself strategically on the court. Seamless coordination and understanding each other’s strengths can give you a competitive edge.

Q: How can I dominate the court in singles play in platform tennis?

A: Dominating the court in singles play in platform tennis involves using strategic shot placement, aggressive play, and maintaining control of the court. Analyzing your opponent’s weaknesses and adapting your strategy accordingly can help you gain an advantage.

Q: What drills can I do to enhance my platform tennis game?

A: There are various drills you can do to enhance your platform tennis game, focusing on areas such as footwork, shot technique, and strategy. Practice drills that simulate game-like situations to improve your performance on the court.

Q: How do I find the right practice partners and coaches for platform tennis?

A: Finding the right practice partners and coaches for platform tennis can be done through local clubs and facilities. Connect with other players and coaches who share your passion for the sport and can provide guidance and support in your development.

Q: How can I join the platform tennis community?

A: You can join the platform tennis community by discovering local clubs and facilities where you can play and train. Participating in platform tennis tournaments and leagues also provides opportunities to connect and engage with fellow players.

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